Just Jacquelyn: How Jacquelyn Fletcher Johnson Exudes a Passion Filled Life
Apr 03, 2023
As the Chief Executive Officer of Heartwood Healing, LLC, Jacquelyn Fletcher Johnson strives to heal the world, one story at a time.
Jacquelyn, tell us about your passion
I'm passionate about helping women tap into feeling 100% self-acceptance, self-compassion, and self-love.
How did you discover your passion?
I've pursued my passion in one form or another my entire life. I was always the kid that other people told their deepest, darkest secrets to. Often those secrets had to do with pain, heartache, and feelings of unworthiness. As a kid who grew up overweight at a time when that was not acceptable, I also felt like there was something wrong with me. I felt unlovable and flawed.
My big ah-ha moment was on a beach looking up at the Milky Way when I was in my late 20s. I was so awed by the view of that massive road of ancient stars. I suddenly had this thought: "I am a part of a world that includes that miracle! I am made of the same building blocks as those stars. Of course, I am lovable!" That moment sparked a passion in me to help other people heal.
What was happening in your life when you discovered this passion?
I've been gifted with many difficult experiences. I've struggled with obesity, been in debt, drank too much, and been diagnosed with breast cancer. Through losing 100 pounds and keeping it off for 20 years, getting out of debt, healing my relationship with alcohol, and recovering from cancer, I've learned to train my brain, change habits and behaviors, and tap into the power of self-love and compassion.
Have you ever hesitated in pursuing your passion?
Of course! I've hesitated for so many reasons. Am I qualified? Am I ready? Am I good enough? Am I the right person? The support I needed to step into fully realizing my passion came from multiple directions: A loving partner, a genius therapist, a supportive community of friends, and the wisdom of the great human teachers who've shared their teaching throughout the ages.
Where have you needed to invest your time, energy, or other resources to pursue this passion?
I invest my time, energy, and resources to learn. I am an obsessive learner and have done a deep dive into the topic that fascinates me the most: Why do humans do the things they do? And how can we live our most vibrant, abundant lives? I've removed self-criticism, which has freed my mind up to be so much more creative and energized!
Tell us about one challenge you've encountered as you've pursued this passion.Just one? I would say the biggest challenge has been thinking I could pursue my passion alone. The moment I opened up and asked for support, hired people to help with my business, both my life and my business changed instantly. I have found deep self-reflection has helped me tremendously with all of my challenges. By knowing myself deeply, I can begin to see all the ways I get in my own way.
Look back at the "you" before you started this passion. Is your life different now? How?
My life is so different now! It feels like I'm a completely different person in some ways. And the biggest difference is that I trust myself. I trust that I won't through myself under the bus in service of people pleasing.
How has your passion helped others?
Yes it has. I've received letters from all over the world that my books, or coaching, or videos have had ripple effects. The ah-has that people report often leave me in tears.
What is one "life lesson" you're learning as you pursue this passion?
The biggest life lesson is how astoundingly powerful loving yourself is. It sounds so simple, and I understood it intellectually. When I finally really felt and practiced self-love and acceptance, it changed the stories I was telling myself. It changed my entire life.
What would you say to a Passionado who is considering exploring a passion?
Go for it! This is your time! No one else is going to do it for you and - wow - does life go fast. I hope you notice every single minute of your precious life.
Is there anything else you'd like to share?
Stories are literally the most powerful tool on earth. The stories you tell yourself, the stories you tell about what you're capable of or what is possible for you...they will determine your future. Once you're aware of the stories you're living by, you can change them.
Learn more about Heartwood Healing, LLC.